3Dfx Interactive Inc. Quake Driver Beta 1/21/96 Here it is, the first public beta of the Voodoo Graphics Driver for Id Software's Quake. *********************************************** Requirements *********************************************** Intel Pentium class CPU Windows 95 Minimum 16 Megabytes of RAM 3Dfx Interactive Voodoo Graphics-based accelerator ( eg. Diamond Monster 3D, Orchid Righteous 3D ) *********************************************** Installation *********************************************** Copy opengl32.dll into the same directory as glquake.exe. example: copy opengl32.dll c:\games\quake Copy fxmemmap.vxd into your windows\system directory example: copy fxmemmap.vxd c:\widnows\system *********************************************** Bug Reports *********************************************** Please direct all bug reports to: quake_bugs@3dfx.com ********************************************** Known Issues ********************************************** - This version has not been tested with and may not work properly or optimally with 3rd party Quake levels. - This version only works on Microsoft Windows 95, A Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 version is forthcoming.